dissabte, 12 de novembre del 2016



At first, I didn’t want to talk about the American elections, because it’s such a common topic right at this moment, everyone is talking about it so I thought I wouldn’t be able to contribute with anything new. But, since Trump has won (unlike everyone was expecting), I found myself “forced” to talk about it.

Resultat d'imatges de DONALD TRUMP
So, yes, Donald Trump has won the elections, and now is the new President of the United States (really, one week ago I was completely sure that I would never say that). My question right now is why, why does a xenophobic, homophobic, sexist, racist and misogynist man have won the elections of the US, the land of freedom, of equality, the most important power of the world?

If I have to be sincere, I don’t understand, and I don’t think I’ll never be able to do it. But, I think to (more or less) understand the causes of this big failure (sorry, I meant, of this decision) we have to understand North America’s society. They have been selling us that America is the land of opportunities, of whether you’re black, white, Hispanic, Asian or wherever you came from, you can succeed in the US if you work hard. And now Americans put a man on the Presidency that wants to build a wall in the border with Mexico? Well, there’s something that I don’t understand here. I think Trump represents the dark part of what white American people think. When you talk to people most of them are like “Oh yes, I’m not a racist, no way!” But then, these people are the first ones to say inside their homes that all the problems of the country are there because of the immigrants. Trump basically says what most people in America think but they don’t dare to say in public. But, really, I never thought more than 60.000.000 people in America thought that way in the XXI century. Maybe one of the reasons why Trump has won is because it’s always easier to blame the others. “Why America have problems? It’s not because of American white people, no way! It’s immigrants fault, clearly”. But people who left their countries looking for a better life are Americans too, like they say “home is where the heart is”. Actually, all the Yankees that consider themselves the “real Americans” are actually immigrants from mostly Europe or some other places in the world. The real American people are the native Americans, so I found it quite stupid to say it’s all immigrants fault when most of American people are immigrants.

Resultat d'imatges de america for the americans
Personally, I’m not a big enthusiast of Hillary Clinton either, but I would prefer her in front of Trump. That two-party predominance in the elections is not a good think either. There were other options (like Gary Johnson or Jill Stein) but most of the people don’t even know they exist and that’s a bad thing, because most of the people didn’t actually like Clinton or Trump, but they chose one of them because they hate the other one more. And most of them maybe would have liked the Green Party (lead by Jill Stein) or the Libertarian Party (lead by Gary Johnson) but they didn’t have an opportunity.

But, what will represent Trump’s victory? Well, actually, I don’t really know. I hope (and I’m almost sure) that Donald will not do every stupid thing that he promised, or otherwise we would be finished.

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